The ERAWAN Group is rated as ‘A-level’ sustainable stock on the SET ESG Rating 2023 and awarded with 5-star ‘Excellence’ CGR Checklist 2023

The Erawan Group Limited (Public) is one of the companies that have successfully met the selection criteria required for inclusion in the SET ESG Rating 2023 as “A-level” for the year 2023. This rating applies to Thai listed companies with a market capitalization between 3,000 - 10,000 million Baht in the SERVICE industry category. Together with this recognition, the Company also received recognition from the Thai Investors Association for achieving a 5-star rating on the Corporate Governance Report for the year 2023. (CGR Checklist for the year 2023)
This marks the first time that The Erawan Group has been rated as "Sustainable Stock" and has achieved an "A" rating. The Company has been operating its business to meet the needs of all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, while considering its social and environmental impact as well as adhering to good corporate governance. The Company is complimented by the Thai Investors Association (TIA) for achieving a 5-star rating on the CGR Checklist 2023 from Thai Institute of Directors (IOD), together with a 5-coin level on the AGM Checklist 2023 from the TIA in the same year.
The Company has focused on utilizing its excellent capabilities in the hospitality service to promote sustainable tourism and has initiated a "Happy Home, Happy Stay" project to elevate the standards of local homestays and community-based tourism, allowing communities to be self-reliant, involving with various sustainability partners. Recently, the Company also renovated a mud spa house in Ban Laem village in Nakhon Si Thammarat province and shared knowledge on "Wellness Tourism and Community Spa Enhancement" to enhance the livelihoods of women in the community and support Wellness Tourism in Thailand.
ERAWAN’s properties also adhere to domestic and international sustainability standards. Courtyard by Marriott Bangkok and Hop INN Chaeng Wattana, which are ERAWAN’s properties, have been awarded with ‘Green Hotel’ certificates from the Department of Climate Change and Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, at the Gold and Silver levels, respectively.
All these sustainability performances are part of being a hospitality service investor and operator of ERAWAN that values environment, society and good governance, and ready for growing business at reginal level with stability and sustainability.