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Ms. Kanokwan Thongsiwarugs
- Company Secretary
- Assistant Executive Vice President
- Head of Internal Audit Division
- Head of Company Secretary and Good Corporate Governance Division
- Secretary to the Board of Directors
- Secretary to the Audit Committee
- Secretary to the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee
- Master of Business Administration (MBA), Kasetsart University
Training Program:
- CAE Chief Audit Executive Professional Leadership Program 5/2024, TFAC
- CSP: Company Secretary Program 28/2008, IOD
- RCC: Role of the Compensation Committee Program 3/2007, IOD
- Speaker: IOD Company Secretary Forum 2013, topic “Equipping Your Board for AGM”
- Lecturer: Company Secretary Program, IOD
2024 Training Program
- Communicating Greater Governance through Responsibilities Data, SET
- SET Streaming Event, “Preventing and suppressing inappropriate behavior of listed companies”, SET and IOD
- Insight in SET: Knowledge for Growth and Sustainability in the Capital Market 2/2024, SET
- Seminar: Building immunity for registered companies with 3 lines of defense, SET
- How ESG data should be prepared to create interest from the perspective of analysts and investors 3/2024, SET and SAA